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USB Cable for arduino Micro USB to USB 100cm
USB B Cable To USB for arduino 100cm
4x4 Matrix Switch Keypad
RTC DS1307 I2C 24C32 Real Time Clock Module
GY-302 BH1750FVI Digital light intensity sensor
PCF8563 RTC Board Real Time Clock with Battery
Metal Detection Module
Slave V2.1 HC-06 Bluetooth Shield
CJMCU-ATtiny Connector Via USB
SPP-C Bluetooth to Serial Adapter
WEMOS D1 Pro mini-16 m
AMS1117 3.3V Power Supply Module
MCP2515 CAN Bus TJA1050 Receiver SPI
SPI-I2C-UART Bi-Directional Logic Level Converter 4 channel
4 Bits TM1637 LED Display Module & Clock
MAX7219 Number display 8 x 7 Segment display
5V 650nm 5mW Laser Red Point
MP3 Decoding module with Bluetooth 4.1 and remote control
8 Bit LED Module Blue CA
8 Bit LED Module Red CA
MAX7219 dot matrix module Blue
MAX7219 dot matrix module Red
MAX7219 dot matrix module Green
Robot Smart Car Wheel Type B.
€9,95 €7,25