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TDA2030 Audio amplifier module
LM317 DC-DC Step Down converter
GPS Module GY-NEO6MV2 plus antenna
LCR T4 Test Module
ESP32 Development Board with WiFi and Bluetooth
WeMos D1 ESP-12E Wifi Development Board
5 V 650nm 5 mW Laser red dot
5 mW 650nm Red cross Laser
5 mW 650nm Red Line Laser
Dual-axis XY Joystick Module for Arduino KY-023
AD9850 Module DDS signal generator Module
€9,50 €6,95
OV7670 VGA Camera module for Arduino
L298N Motor Driver dual H bridge
XL6009 DC-DC Step-Up Inverter
5V 4 Channel Relay Module With Light Coupling
5V 2 Channel Relay Module With Light Coupling
5V 2 Channel Relay Module Without Light Coupling
Arduino Laser Module KY-008
€4,50 €3,99
CP2102 USB 2.0 to TTL UART Module 6Pin Black
DIY Electric Spider Robot
USB B Cable To USB for arduino 50cm
LM2596 Step Down Converter
Lipo Accu alarm en tester
Mosfet Button IRF520