€4,99 €6,99
Digispark ATTiny85 Microcontroller development board. 8K Memory, 3 PWM, SPI, I2C- 8K Memory - I2C - SPI - PWM - ADC
Do you want to know how to start with this Digispark? Then click on the "How to" button below for a comprehensive and easy explanation of how you can get started with your Digispark!
The Digispark is delivered fully assembled except for the headers. You do get this but you can solder it yourself or leave it out as you wish.
If you would like to have the source files of the Digispark such as diagrams and data, click on the download button below to download the data from this Digispark ATTiny85.
Digispark ATTiny85: for starters as well as advanced.
€6,99 €4,99