€9,95 €15,95
1.3 inch Oled Screen White I2C
1.3 inch Oled Screen White I2C
An OLED screen has no background color, instead, colors
the letters White giving you a better view of the screen than the normal LCD screens.
Voltage: 3.3V - 5V
Viewing angle: 160 °
Working temperature: -30 ° - 80 °
Resolution: 128x64 pixels
Controller: SSD1306
Energy consumption: 0.04watt when all pixels are in use
Pixel color: White
Background color: Black
Dimension module: 35.4 x 33.7 x 4.1 mm
The communication finds place through I2C
GND: Ground / Min / Earth
VCC: 3.3V or 5V
SCL: I2C SCL Clock signal
SDA: I2C SDA Data Signal
€15,95 €9,95
€0,30 €0,25